Bach – Goldberg Variations – Sachiko Kawamura – CR6018


“This is a wholly exceptional release, a t truly outstanding performance of the Goldberg Variations- so entirely musical and compelling in this state-of-the-art recorded sound”

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The sound of bells from La Campanella is ringing.
Are you wandering in your dreams?
Will the music from The Goldberg Variations &
The Chaconne walk you back home to where your heart belongs?
I sincerely wish you so from the bottom of my heart.
Sachiko Kawamura

Goldberg Variations in G major BWV.988
First published in 1741, this work was originally given the title “an aria with diverse variations for the harpsichord with two manuals”. Today it has become known as the “Goldberg Variations” to commemorate the first performer for this work, Johann Gottlieb Goldberg. Goldberg was a young clavier player and served the Count Hermann Carl von Kaiserling, who was considered the Russian ambassador to the electoral court of Saxony in those days. The Count was often ill and suffered from insomnia. On one occasion during Bach’s presence, he mentioned that he would like to have some clavier pieces for Goldberg to play for him, pieces of such smooth and somewhat lively character which might cheer him up a little during his sleepless nights. The Count later referred to this work as “his own favorite variations” and was never tired of it.
The opening Aria, which serves as the core foundation for the set of 30 variation, can be found in “Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach”, which was written in 1725 and dedicated to Bach’s wife. The recurring Aria at the very end of the whole piece depicted the idea Bach had on life and eternity. Bach chose to write in variation form to achieve maximum freedom and flexibility from the compositional perspective. Each variation is built upon the same 32-note ground bass yet carefully and skillfully decorated melodically so that the lengthy work never appeared to be boring. This great work served as a model for the development of variation form until this day. Interestingly, this piece of work provided endless possibilities for interpretation and analysis to the extent that, one cannot determine which are based on Bach’s real intentions.

“Chaconne” from Partita No.2 in D minor BWV1004
The Chaconne is a popular type of musical style in the baroque era. A kind of dance usually in triple meter, it is written in variation form on a repeated short harmonic progression. This repetition offers a ground for the performer to demonstrate technical and musical elements on the instrument. J.S. Bach’s Chaconne is one of the best known and most masterful example for this genre. Busoni took this 256-bar work for violin solo and transcribed a plaintive 4-bar phrase into an expressive master piece on the piano, taking the listeners on a continuous kaleidoscopic musical journey filled with emotions and sorrow.

“La Campanella”, Grand Paganini Etudes № 3, S.14 by Paganini
The term “Campanella” means “little bell” in Italian. The melody for the piano arrangement of La Campanella was taken from the final movement of Paganini’s Violin Concerto No. 2, where the tune was reinforced by a little hand bell to imitate an Italian folk tune. The virtuosity delivered by Paganini through his playing created an impact so huge on the young Liszt in 1832 that Liszt was determined to become the Paganini on the piano. He revised this piece four times by himself. This CD features the most popular version, which is the fourth rendition from 1851. Although most of Liszt’s works are considered “flashy” and superficial, he embarked on a more mature period with original piano compositions in 1840s. The continuous alternating octave notes ameliorates not only the technical effects, the direct imitation of ringing bells can also be comprehended as the beating of one’s heart, a constant change of joy and sorrow experienced from all walks of life.

**Artists Website

Sachiko’s mother’s idea of prenatal care was to play all the recordings of Glenn Gould playing J.S. Bach ! Under the influence of her mother’s love for music, she started to study the piano from the age of four in the beautiful natural surroundings of Yokohama and Kamakura in Japan. Her piano studies continued under the instruction of Ms. Yukiko Hibiya and went on to do “the Kitakamakura Girls High School” (music course), later graduating from the Tokyo National University of fine Arts and Music, under the piano Prof. Michiko Ohno. Sachiko started to give many public performances and became influenced from attending lectures by pianist, the late Goldberg-Yamane Miyoko. In 2004, Sachiko moved to Russia, and graduated from the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory under Prof. Elena Richter, who founded the Neuhaus School. Sachiko gave many successful concerts in Russia enjoying and participating their rich musical culture. As a young student Sachiko was conscious of the influence in the musical world which came from international specialists and professors and so after leaving Russia she decided to enrich her knowledge by attending various courses including Interpretation by the late Alexis Weissenberg in Engelberg, Switzerland, Master Classes by the world renowned pianist and Chopin specialist Maestro Adolfo Barabino in England. In 2010 Sachiko Kawamura received the highest prize, in addition to winning the “Bach-Busoni Award” and in 2011 she won the first prize in the Classic Musica International Competition Festival in Russia. Sachiko’s international concert career has seen successful performances given for example in Japan at the Music Festival in Lake Ashino, Okurayama Memorial Hall, Yokohama British House Hall, Ueno Old Sougakudo Concert Hall, Yokohama Gorthe Hall, Enoshima-island, Gulliver Hall near the Lake Biwa and in Russia (Moscow) at Myaskovsky Hall, In England at the stately home of Hammerwood Park. Sachiko’s recording career started in 2013 with her debut album ‘Kawamura Plays Goldberg’ with music by Bach, Bach-Busoni and Liszt for Claudio Record Label. She continues musical activities to the Human heart “Harmony of Nature and Music” with the sound of nature and classical music in the world.


Review I – Musical Opinion

This is a wholly exceptional release, a t truly outstanding performance of the Goldberg Variations- so entirely musical and compelling in this state-of-the-art recorded sound. No repeats here, but Kawamura’s musicianship and technical command are engrossing, her lyricism in the Aria having a consistency that is rarely encountered. Her account of the Bach-Busoni Chaconne is likewise in the highest class, and Liszt’s, La Campanella makes an intriguing ‘encore’, so to speak – and is also a performance of notable artistry. An impressive disc, in which musical artistry is clearly the prim consideration. [RM-W]

どこかで、鐘の音色 “ラ・カンパネラ” が響いています。

■ゴールドベルク変奏曲 ト長調 BWV.988
バッハは、最初この曲を《二段鍵盤をもつチェンバロのためのアリアとさまざまな変奏》と題して1742年頃に出版しました。現在のように《ゴールドベルク変奏曲》と呼ばれるようになったのは、この曲がもともと ヨハン・テオフィルス・ゴールドベルクの演奏用に作曲されたことに由来します。ゴールドベルクは、当時、ロシア大使だったヘルマン・カール・フォン・カイザーリンク伯爵に仕える若いクラヴィーア奏者でした。不眠症だった伯爵は、眠れない夜を心地よく楽しめるような曲をバッハに依頼し、出来上がったこの曲を「私の変奏曲」と呼ぶほど気に入りました。作曲には、一連の繋がりをもち、長さをかなり自由に変えられる 変奏曲という形式を選び、それは後世に変奏曲の模範を残すこととなりました。バッハは、”音”と”数”を組み合わせた音楽をパズルのように操り、美しい音楽を生み出しています。《アンナ・マグダレーナ・バッハ(妻)のための音楽帖》の中に、この《ゴールドベルク変奏曲》の最初と最後に置かれた「アリア」が見られます。ゴールドベルク変奏曲の美しいアリアは、この曲の主題による”バッソ・オスティナート”旋律に寄り添われ、30の変奏という旅に出で、安らぎを感じるノスタルジアへと還っていきます。アリアが最後に戻るバッハのアイディアは、永遠をも思い起こさせます。

■ シャコンヌ(無伴奏ヴァイオリンのための組曲 第2番ニ短調 BWV.1004)
シャコンヌとは、バロック時代に愛好された形式の舞曲。主題となる3拍子の荘重なメロディーを和声的または対位法的に変形させ繰り返す変奏曲の一種です。一般的に、シャコンヌというと、この曲が代表されます。この曲は、ブゾーニが、バッハの組曲を、ピアノ用に華麗に編曲したものです。 “バッソ・オスティナート”に寄り添われて変奏されるこの旋律は、自然を表すというよりも、心のドラマを表現しています。人生に対する葛藤や悲しみの込められた荘厳な傑作です。

■ “ラ・カンパネラ” (パガニーニによる大練習曲より第3番S.14)
”カンパネラ”とはイタリア語で“鐘”のこと。リストは、ヴァイオリンの奇才、ニコロ・パガニーニの演奏を聴き強烈な感銘を受け、彼のヴァイオリン協奏曲第2番、第3楽章ロンド主題“ラ・カンパネラ”をさっそくピアノに編曲しました。リスト自身この曲を4回も改訂していますが最も親しまれているのは、この第4版(1851)です。 彼の作品の大部分は、超絶技巧や煌びやかな曲だと認識されていますが、1840年代、ピアノ曲で多くの成熟した作品を創作し始めています。この曲の旋律は、ヨーロッパの鐘を連想させ、”心の琴線”を鼓動のように響かせます。

川村祥子 さちこ (ピアノ)

グレン・グールドのバッハ全集は、彼女の胎教だった。音楽を愛する母の影響のもと、4歳からピアノを始める。横浜そして鎌倉の自然のなか、大いに遊びながら育つ。ピアノを日比谷友妃子氏に師事。北鎌倉女子学園高等学校音楽科を経て、多美智子教授に師事し、東京藝術大学音楽学部器楽科を卒業。故ゴールドベルク山根美代子氏の公開講座に連続出演。その後、ロシアへ渡りチャイコフスキー記念・モスクワ音楽院(大学院・研究科)へ留学。ネイガウス派を受け継ぐエレーナ・リヒテル教授のもと、伸び伸びと音楽に没頭する。ロシア留学では、色々な美術館等にて演奏経験を積み、様々な芸術にも触れる。幼き頃より海外からの著名なピアニスト・教授から多く世界を感じる機会に恵まれ、世界的ピアニスト、故アレクシス・ワイセンベルク (スイスにて)、ショパンのスペシャリストであるアドルフォ・バラビーノ氏(イギリスにて)等、様々な講習会、及びコンサートに出演する。クラシック・ムジカ国際コンクール・フェスティバル(ロシア・ルーザ)にて最高位、及び “バッハ=ブゾーニ賞”受賞(2010)、同コンクールにて第1位受賞(2011)。日本の芦ノ湖音楽祭、重要文化財(横浜市大倉山記念館、横浜市イギリス館、上野旧奏楽堂)、横浜ゲーテ座、江ノ島、琵琶湖ガリバーホール、ミャスコフスキーホール(ロシア)、ハンマーウッド・パーク(イギリス)等にてソロ・リサイタルを行う。2013年よりCD録音を開始し、イギリスのクラウディオ・レコード社よりバッハ、バッハ=ブゾーニ、リスト作品を収録したデビューアルバム ‘Kawamura Plays Goldberg’ をリリース。クラシック音楽と自然の音による、ひとの心”自然と音楽の調和”を目指し世界で芸術活動を続ける。